EV Managed Charging Workshop Series
Design, Data, Load Shapes, & Analytics
Session 1: November 30, 12:30pm to 2pm EST | Session 2: December 7, 12:30pm to 2pm EST

This online Workshop Series will examine electric vehicle managed charging and load management from the perspectives of available technologies, program designs, data analytics, and program implementations that can be used to develop actionable EV behavioral and active managed charging programs and plans.

Program design options and choices that match utility and customers’ needs
The selection of technologies used for EV load management/managed charging
Behavior-based vs. active managed charging programs
Rate design interaction with managed charging programs
Results, data, and case studies from existing managed charging programs
Detailed data needs and analytics to create accurate programs outcomes
How managed charging can influence both system level and distribution system costs
The future of EV managed charging program design for residential and business/fleet applications

Workshop 1:
Program Design: EV Managed Charging and Demand Response
- Available technologies for connecting and managing EVs. This includes the pros and cons of electric meter data (AMI) disaggregation, vehicle telematics, device-based telematics, charger EVSEs and combinations of technologies.
- Proven methods for encouraging change in charging behavior. This will include considerations of active control versus behavioral program designs; event-based versus scheduled Load Management; and combination design approaches along with the benefits and limitations of each.
- Factors that should be considered in program design: Baseline data for program comparison/evaluation, sample sizes, program adoption rates, customer incentive design, marketing/outreach to gain customer involvement.

This online workshop series will be held in two sessions.
We encourage participants to attend both sessions, but it is not essential. The instructional portion of each session will last approximately 60 minutes, followed by 15-30 minutes of questions and open discussion.
Workshop 2:
EV Managed Charging In-field Case Studies
- Describe the wide variety of programs along with detailed program parameters being implemented today.
- Showcase the array of designs and their use cases, including behavioral management, scheduled end-state charging, active and behavioral peak demand response, and peak/off peak pricing.
- Show the array of incentives provided to EV drivers, including discounted electric rates, one time up-front payments, ongoing monthly payments, event-based rewards, and various penalties, “strikes”, and warnings.
- Program outcomes can be used to benchmark new programs, demonstrate impacts of programs in the field, create specific EV load shapes under various programs and weather conditions.
- Demonstrate how this information can be used in transportation electrification plans.
The workshop is designed for utility professionals who are actively working on or planning programs and projects in which electric vehicle charging patterns are influenced for grid optimization and cost efficiency. Course curriculum is broad – in that technology, program design, marketing, behavior change, and data analytics will all be covered. Prior knowledge of utility operations will be helpful, but not essential to the value gained by participation.
This is a utility-only event, and we can expect participants to be from various departments, including:
- Electric transportation
- Demand-side management programs and marketing
- Distribution and system planning
- Load forecasting
- Rate design
Within each workshop session, we will highlight the critical needs of data collection, data analysis, and data security.
In summary, this webinar series will explore the new frontier of electric vehicle load management, demand response and managed charging programs. Electricity providers and network managers will need to get in front of these challenges before EV loads begin to impact utility assets. The new role of utilities as providers of transportation fuels will change the relationship between utilities and their customers, and the choices utilities make in developing this relationship will help define future success.
The two online sessions will be held on the following dates and times:
Session 1:
November 30, 12:30pm to 2pm EST
Session 2:
December 7, 12:30pm to 2pm EST
For those who miss live sessions, there will be a
post-workshop opportunity to watch recordings of the sessions.
The cost to register for all two sessions is $195

Katie Parkinson, MSc.
Vice President of Utility Services, Rolling Energy Resources & Project Director, Apex Analytics
Katie is an expert in designing and executing EV load management programs for investor-owned utilities, municipalities, and G&T power providers all over the country. Her focus on the human behavior elements of program design gives her a different perspective than simply economic and technical evaluation. Katie’s 15 years of experience in demand-side management and demand management intersects with her deep knowledge of EV managed charging programs. She serves as the co-chair of the Peak Load Management Alliance (PLMA) electrification transformation interest group. Katie earned her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Environmental Studies from the University of California Santa Cruz, and a MSc in Behavioral Sciences from the London School of Economics.

Daniel M. Violette, Ph.D.
Director, Apex Analytics & Director, Rolling Energy Resources
He has years of experience in the design of demand-response programs spanning direct load control, behavioral programs, and pricing-based programs. He has previously taught training courses at DistribuTech, DSM/DR for EPRI, NARUC, and AESP. He was also the Chair of EPRI’s innovative pricing conference for 3 years.
Dr. Violette has evaluated over 100 demand response programs, and he was a co-author of California’s initial set of Protocols for Estimating Demand Response Impacts across both load control and pricing programs. He was a founder of the Peak Load Management Alliance and served 3 elected terms as Vice Chair. He authored PLMA position papers on DR for presentation at technical conferences at the PJM ISO, ISO NE, and other reliability organizations looking at the potential for DR to become a reliable resource. Dr. Violette received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Colorado where he received honors in the fields of Econometrics and Industrial Organization.

Scott Dimetrosky
Founder, Apex Analytics & Chief Executive Officer at Rolling Energy Resources
Mr. Dimetrosky is an expert in utility-managed charging programs, having built Rolling Energy Resources from the ground up. He brings his decades of expertise in planning and evaluating dozens of utility energy-efficiency, load management, and market transformation programs. As a co-founder of RER, Mr. Dimetrosky helps coordinate all aspects of the business, including utility outreach, software development, and end-use customer MyCharge reporting. He has an M.B.A. in Marketing Research & Quantitative Methods from Cornell University and a B.A. (Magna Cum Laude) in Sociology from the University of Michigan.
In case you encounter any difficulties while signing up, or if you have further questions, our team is here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to Jennifer Stegeman at 303-590-9888, extension 219, or via email at jennifer.stegeman@rollingenergyresources.com. We look forward to having you participate in this workshop series!